Step 1: Your Events

When you log into your channel you’ll be greeted with the most recent upcoming or past stream. You can edit the most recent event to change its details such as the title, description, and thumbnail.

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Step 2: Stream Page

When you “view” your event you’ll be directed to your stream management page. This is where you can go live, launch quests, view submissions, chat, send announcements, and manage your livestream. Once a stream has ended you can view its participants, quest submissions.

Koopa Stream.png

Your channel page will also house your membership pass details, stream key, stream URL, and stream recordings. To view these click their corresponding tabs on your channel homepage.

Step 3: New Stream Event

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To schedule a live steam on Koop, navigate to your channel homepage and click “Create New Event” on the top right corner. Here you can give your event a title, description, and thumbnail which will appear during your stream countdown. Finally set a start and end time for your stream. When you are ready to go live, make sure you are live on OBS and then click “Go Live” on the view stream page for admin.

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